The Giant Tree Award

The Giant Tree Award

During her Eulogy speech in 2015, former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf referred to the passing of our father, the late Sheikh Kafumba Konneh as the “Fall of a Giant Tree in the Forest”.
The phrase has since been incorporated into the FELMAUSA (Federation of Liberia Muslim Living in the USA) National Convention.
Since 2016, each year, the committee reviews nominations from the public and select one person as the recipient.  And that person is awarded at the FELMAUSA National Convention.


  • Must be a member of the community who has significantly contributed to the Peace Development of the Liberian Mandingo Community and the Liberian Community at large
  • An individual or institution that have contributed immensely to the Peace and Development of the community in any major way and
  • Someone who’s selfless in the promotion and propagation of Islam