Scholarship to Underprivileged Orphans

The Sheikh’s Foundation provides full Scholarship to underprivileged orphans. Our Scholarship program targets children of  school going age from poor families who have dropped out from school or have never had the opportunity to attend due to poverty.

This is a full scholarship, where we cover entire tuition, school uniform, book bags, shoes, and copybooks.

Scholarship recipients are between ages 5 to 18, from kindergarten to 12th grade.  Our goal is to maintain support for our students up until High School graduation.

Join us in the fight for educating the future generation of Liberia. 

With your tax-deductible gift, you can help Educate a Child for $200 / Year

Micro loans to support disadvantaged women in Liberia

Teresa Toe is a 25 years old single mother of two girls. The Sheikh’s foundation came to her aid when she birthed her third child who had medical complications. 

The Sheikh’s foundation took care of her medical expenses but unfortunately the child didn’t make it. After she came home, the foundation realized that Teressa was homeless. 

The foundation provided her with financial aid in the amount of $600 to start a small business. Few months into the business, Terssa rented a one bedroom apartment and was able to send her two girls to school.

After a couple of months, Teressa offered to pay the $600 that was given to her because she has raised enough money from her business.

The story of Teressa birthed this initiative of helping women like Teressa, which provides small loan in the amount of $600 to struggling single mothers. 

Our goal is help 20 women like Terssa by the end of 2023. Once we received the zero interest loan from the women, we will then invest the funds into more women. 

Help us target poverty one single mother at a time. 

Ramadan Food Basket

During the Last 10 Days of Ramadan, the Foundation distributes 150 bags of Rice to deserving and vulnerable Muslims around Monrovia.

Distribution of Rice and money amongst the Muslim Community during this period every year by the Foundation is one of the cardinal objectives of reaching out to those facing difficult situations.

Every Single Dollar Counts

Quick Impact Project

Renovations of Mosques and Hand-pumps. Every year, the Foundation Renovates Mosque and or Hand-pump in rural Liberia.

This is Jwageh, Bomi County. The renovation of this mosque have boost Islam in the area. According to Imam Abraham Kromah, Chief Imam of Jawageh mosque, the congregation have increased from 10 to 50 individuals since the renovation.

Support our Quick Impact project

Abrahim Day (Eid-al-Adha) Celebration

Every year, the foundation celebrates Inclusive Abraham Day (Eid-al-Adha)  and slaughters 4 – 7 Cows and distributes the meat to deserving and vulnerable Muslims and non-Muslims.

This sacrifice commemorates the Eid al-Adha (Abraham day) festivities.

Support the Inclusive Eid Program

End of the Year Distribution

During the holidays season, the foundation make donations of adult attends, pampers, bed covers to various government hospitals and local clinics in Liberia.

The Redemption Hospital,  J.D.J. Hospital and Topoe village clinic received pampers and wipes for new borns. 


Help Support our End of the Year Program.