Fostering peace and unity in Liberia

The Sheikh Kafumba Konneh Foundation for Peace Inc. is a Faith-based Non-governmental Organization founded and legally established under the Corporate & Business Laws of the Republic of Liberia and the United States of America.

Sheik Kafumba F Konneh - About us
Late Sheik Kafumba Famod Konneh

The Foundation was established in 2016 in memory of the Late Sheikh Kafumba Famod Konneh, Chairman of The National Muslim Council Of Liberia; who selflessly committed his entire life to foster peace and unity in Liberia.

In this light, the Foundation’s establishment is to continue his legacy and aspirations to the nation and people who still remember him as a Statesman, Philanthropist, Mentor, and pioneer of the Liberian peace process. Even though it was established in 2016, operation begins in early 2019. On September 21, 2019, the Foundation was launched at the Mamba Point Hotel Monrovia, Liberia.

The Foundation is involved in creating and enabling environment for everyone to be and feel a part of the society where everyone is their brother’s keeper. We assist and support grassroots/community base organizations that foster peace and harmony and promote Social Justice in Liberia. Moreover, the Foundation empowers and builds capacities of the less fortunate and marginalized groups with nowhere and no one to count on.

Brief Bio About our Father and Mentor.

Born in the Nimba County in the Republic of Liberia, the Sheik was a product of the Traditional Islamic Theological School. Without any formal western academic education, Sheikh Kafumba Konneh was however, able to serve as a mentor and a transformational figure in the Liberian society. He migrated from Saclepea, Nimba County to Monrovia and became the Producer and Moderator of a Weekly Television Program “ISLAM AND YOU”, this program became very popular because of its broader understanding of Islam to both Muslims and Non- Muslims. His permanency in Monrovia earned him much laudable positions in the public and private sectors of Liberia.

He worked as a social justice advocate, statesman, philanthropist, and mentor as well as a peace builder and one of the architects of the Liberian peace process until the time of his death in 2015.

In his personal life, he was a provider for many individuals. He catered to the orphans, widows, and less fortunate people.

For Self Dependency, Equality and Stability

Help educate a child

About the Foundation

Our Objectives

To increase participation and support to community-based organizations in Liberia

To provide much needed educational support to the less privileged children in Liberia

To empower and design programs to improve the living condition of vulnerable, disadvantaged, marginalized and stigmatized persons in our society

To Promote peacebuilding, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence amongst all Liberians

To create and bring awareness to the Sheikh Kafumba Konneh Foundation's initiatives and available services in Liberia

About the Foundation

Meet Our Team

Our Team

Our Board Members

Help, When needed

Support a Family